Lunch time wanderings took me to Castle Market, a 60's complex built on the site of the old Sheffield Castle. It's in a bad way and due to be demolished soon as a new market is being built on The Moor.
I walked to the top of this curved ramp, which gave me a fine view of one of Sheffield's most idiosyncratic buildings, which formed a complex of tiled buildings near Lady's bridge.
It is juxtaposed by modern apartment blocks, but holds its own
The face of Sheffield is changing fast!
The previous day I had walked near the University and included the decaying remains of a Catholic Church complex in my itinerary. St Vincents' used to be a focus for the Irish community, had a boy's club and apartments for its many priests but now it's just a car park amid the dilapidation and stolen slates.
On a sunnier note we took a family trip to Cresswell Crags yesterday and while Lucy and Adam explored the caves Brenda and I took a walk, which circumnavigated the nearby quarry - nice!
The following panorama is best viewed by clicking once on the image.
Following a visit to a still life exhibition at Bradford Media Museum a few weeks ago I wanted to start taking some still life images or table top photography as it is sometimes known. This pineapple is my first attempt.