Old Mill Lane

Old Mill Lane

Wednesday 19 June 2013

To Cheesebottom

I drove Brenda and Lucy to the airport on Sunday, en route to sun-soaked Nerja, and not to be outdone I took a walk to Cheesebottom. It boasts several attractions including a sewage works, a fuel dump and a characterful farmer who posts notices threatening that "Trespassers will be shot!"

On my way I met the last in a procession of about 100 vintage tractors, which were touring the area. I was impressed by their neatness and friendliness, compare with the modern behemoths that powerfully block the road.



The fuel dump at Cheesebottom, dating from WW2,  is very impressive, with huge storage tanks built in to the hillside and linking up to the national fuel grid. It was a high security operation, with many soldiers based in the area, and still has that feels about it.



The nearby sewage works also has a high security feel to it. The notice on the gate reads "Commit a crime here and you will be forensically RedDNA tagged", what ever than means.


After all this it was relaxing to take a few shots in my neighbours' lovely garden without too much attention from their three Rottweilers.




I was disappointed by the results and so bought a book on garden photography, for one penny, on Amazon. Such is my commitment to excellence!