I bought Brenda some sunflowers a few weeks ago and, as they are decaying nicely, they seemed a good subject for the Beercan.
I had previously taken this homage to Paul Capanigro balancing on top of a rickety step ladder, in a strong wind, with my dressing gown being blown up to reveal a historic pair of boxer shorts to any unfortunate passer-by.
We travelled to Louth on Saturday to spend the day with Barbara and a very good day we had. There was an open day at All Saints Saltfleetby, which was fun but photographically limiting.
However calling at nearby Theddlethorpe was a revelation. The Churches Conservation Trust have just completed a major refurbishment and it's simply stunning. I only had my HX5V with me but must return with something bigger.
Apart from risking my reputation photographing sunflowers I also wandered in some woods near Wigtwizzle. It was sunny and I thought I could get away without using a tripod. Wrong! I had to delete all the images I took. The following day was dull and rainy but I needed to return and apart from scratching the screen of my Alpha 350 (much cursing and self loathing!) I came away with the this image of a noble beech tree, enlivened with a bit of fill in flash.