Old Mill Lane

Old Mill Lane

Saturday 29 September 2012

West Devon Churches

Graham had planned a trip to a group of churches near to Tavistock. First stop Bere Ferrers.

It was along haul and we were initially a bit underwhelmed but after a good lunch, in The Olde Plough Inn, everything looked much more positive.



Likewise Saint Andrew's church initially seemed cold and unpromising but then held our attention for longer than we intended.This is the grave/monument to the founder of the church (Sir William de Ferrers) and his wife.


The founder's father has a monument in the north transept.



The organ was in the north transept and it would be interesting to know why the organist needed to hide behind a blue curtain.


I was fascinated by this panel from the chancel screen. Flash and post capture processing has emphasised the violent strokes of the iconoclasts in their hurry to obscure what they considered blasphemous.


We called in at Dunterton on our way to Bradstone and found a gem of a church serving a tiny population after the village had been wiped out by the plague and not rebuilt.



Despite the small congregation the church is clearly much loved and very well cared for. Even though all the plaster has been scraped from its walls, the church felt warm and welcoming.


On arriving at Bradstone church one is greatly impressed by the gatehouse of the nearby manor house, whose pinnacles mirror those of the church tower.


Although Bradstone church is redundant it has a new set of bell ropes and I felt compelled to lie on the floor and photograph them.



The organ was held together with Gaffer Tape but looked the part in a Victorian, antique pine corner.


Our last church was at Luffincott. This humble conserved church was at the end of a long farm track. It did little for me although Graham was more enthusiastic. The poorly executed stained glass head is photographed from the outside and lit by the setting sun.


The low sun shining through the west window nicely picked out the lettering on this memorial slab in the church floor.
