Old Mill Lane

Old Mill Lane

Sunday 25 August 2013

Return to Huddesfield

I hoped that an early Sunday morning trip to Huddersfield would mean that all was quiet and I could skulk around the town centre unnoticed. It was boom town and the grand architecture reflects its glory days at the end of the Victorian era.

The closed market was particularly rewarding in its shuttered emptiness.:





The car park of a nearby Tesco gave a view of the modernistic football/rugby stadium through a gasometer.


The exterior of the railway station, seen from the entrance of a nearby hotel, is magnificent and was described by John Betjamen as the best in England.



But apart from the welcome "Head of Steam" pub, adjacent to platform 1, the station interior is a shadow of its former glory with only two through lines. The Sheffield train can be seen waiting on Platform 2 for its cohort of grey headed passengers with travel passes.



The Locomotive Bridge of 1865 is an interesting relic of more confident times:


The 1880 Byram Arcade has an atrium, internal galleries and bags of style.


After pounding the mean streets of Huddersfield I felt the need for woodland calm and got tangled up in brambles and holly near Broomhead (just north of Wigtwizzle and west of Bolsterstone). 



