Old Mill Lane

Old Mill Lane

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Antequera and Brantwood

Antequera is a lovely town dominated by the Moorish Castle and the limestone crag known as La Peña de los Enamorados or The Lovers' Rock



We were told that Stone Age Atequarans built their dolmens to catch the moon rising over the crag. I was lucky to catch one of these Neolithic types adjusting their trainers.


The main tourist sites are the many churches with over the top Baroque decoration, which is not to my taste at all.


It was nice to find that in one church they had run out of money to paint the reredos which was left bare to reveal the stunningly carved wood.



Unfortunately Moorish forts tend to be over restored in Spain.


The main tourist attraction is the limestone plateau called El Torcal. The bedding planes are almost horizontal which results in quite a bit of precarious rock balancing.




The scenery on the way to and from El Torcal was equally stunning.


Brantwood is the name of the house where John Ruskin spent the last decades of his life.

I knew little of Ruskin but became rather passionate about his artistic ability and his ecological and socialist views despite his always saying that he was a conservative.


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Despite the poor mental health Ruskin suffered while at Brantwood there is a sense of elegant design about the whole place which was most satisfying.







An edition of "In Our Time" on John Ruskin can be enjoyed on


Ruskin was also an early photographer using the daguerreotype process


See also extracts from a must have book
