Old Mill Lane

Old Mill Lane

Sunday 28 April 2013

Water cum Jolly Dale

I have had a couple of happy trips recently. Last Sunday I popped over to Louth to see Barbara and we journeyed to Woodhall Spa, via Cadwell Park. 


John Betjeman, in his Collins Guide to English Parish Churches, described Woodhall Spa as "that half-timbered Bournemouth-like settlement, among silver birches, heather and rhododendrons".


I then joined Graham and Margaret at Cressbook Mill for a couple of days. Water cum Jolly Dale is a short walk from the converted Mill and was simply lovely as was Miller's Dale to which it links. Spring finally seemed to have arrived.







Our final walk was through Cressbrook Dale. Initially we we walking through a wood of moss covered trees and walls, carpeted with wild garlic and wood anemones. 

Once through the woods the dale is bare and impressive.


This is the view from the crags at the far end


Earlier in the day we had all-day-breakfasted in Tidza (Tideswell) and enjoyed the Cathedral of the Peaks.


There was a stack of metal tables in a side chapel, which also had a display of local curios including some goggles for chickens.
