Old Mill Lane

Old Mill Lane

Saturday 8 February 2014


Whether it's the winter rain, having too many cameras or a general lack of umph; I am struggling with taking photographs at the moment. I therefore tried to seek some inspiration by visiting downtown Barnsley on a sunny Sunday morning.

Barnsley's wealth was almost all underground so there are few grand mills and fine stone buildings as are found in Huddesfield. Barnsley has few pretensions and I was therefore amused to come upon this "sculpture" which proclaimed as much marketing bollocks as one would want to swallow on a fine Sunday morning.


I was surprised how much signs and wheeliebins defaced the simplest of scenes and those bins that were full of bottles objected loudly as I tried to drag them out of the way.


Barnsley's red white and blue


Barnsley's football team is nicknamed The Reds and red seems right for Barnsley's entrenched Labour politics. The market continues the theme.


I was rather touched by finding this bottle of milk outside the vestry door of the parish church and I then met the, very disabled, church warden who had struggled to walk to the church to make the vicar's tea. I was invited to the coffee morning each Friday and I promised to go once I had retired.


The Chronicle is the local rag but as Barnsley is such a poor town the small ads do not contain any camera bargains worth having.
