Old Mill Lane

Old Mill Lane

Sunday 29 June 2014

Catching up

Recent difficulties with cameras and camera dealers have rather dented my photographic enthusiasm.

Newly leafed trees (bursting with chlorophyll) and bright cloudless skies got me in to the infra red mood so I popped over to Holme Styes reservoir to try my luck.





A visit to Devon, over the D Day weekend, went well although my photographic memories of a trip to Dartmoor were frustrated by a fault with the automatic focusing on my camera. A few shots in an old granite quarry were reasonably sharp however.



Thankfully my compact camera seemed problem free for a visit to Exeter. The cathedral was full of interest. The nave pillars were stunning and the north transept pleasantly chaotic.



I find the many monuments to the great and good (especially former clerics) rather too much to take, but there were a couple of tombs of former bishops that had been given a dramatic face lift.



Exuberant colour was also to be found in St Martin's; a conserved church in the cathedral square. Altar rails were introduced by Archbishop Laud to prevent dogs from cocking their legs at the altar. Good for him!


I have always fancied changing my name to something a little more memorable than Norman William Tavener Creighton and Graham found the ideal alternative. Call me "nutty" from hence forth!


Torquay was an important embarkation point for many American troops setting off for Normandy in June 1944. The slipways, where the troops boarded the landing craft, are still there and have become a feature of the harbour. It made me feel ashamed that I did not know where my father had sailed from. I think it was Newhaven but I am not certain.


The harbour was also a base from some fishermen and crabbers.



The Torquay Herald Express seems to be as crass as Radio 5 in following tragedy with trivia

