Old Mill Lane

Old Mill Lane

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Skipton and Sedbergh

We meandered up to the Lake District via Skipton, Kettlewell and Sedbergh and found it very worthwhile. Our initial resentment at the entrance fee and cost of cake at Skipton Castle fell away as we discovered its magic little courtyard.



We lost one another exploring all the rooms and staircases.



The next joy was to come upon a statue of Fred Trueman (what a wonderful name) when we ate our sandwiches by the junction of the Leeds Liverpool and Rochdale canals. It brought tears to my eyes as I recalled his beautiful action and the way he was treated by the selectors.




Perhaps the pork pies helped?


Sedbergh seemed a rather dinghy and dour place after the bustle of Skipton and Saint Gregory's church looked neglected. dirty and very redundant. However spirits were raised once we were inside and saw the breath-taking stained glass. Apart from some stunning windows by John Piper, the best I have ever seen. Look out for the birds, rabbit and newt.


An internet search for Frederick George Smith found little of this true artist, freed from all the mawkish symbolism of much Victorian and Edwardian stained glass, apart from a reference at Saint Mary's Church, Studley Royal and this great set of images by a variety of people but mainly Louis Tiffany.





